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Amazing results from real people

Why Sleeping on Silk Works

Babies spend a lot of time on their backs and constantly rub the backs of their heads on their bedding. Cotton, bamboo and other fabrics can tug and pull on delicate baby hair, resulting in thinning and bald spots. The long strands and tightly woven nature of premium silk creates a liquid smooth and frictionless surface that allows bub’s hair to glide effortlessly and unharmed, preventing bald patches, as well as allowing for hair growth where bald spots already exist. Pure silk is also gentle and kind to baby's sensitive skin, making it the recommended sleeping surface for bubs with eczema and other skin irritations.

No more hair loss

"It works!!!"

Shop Silk Bassinet Sleeves

Bye-bye to messy bedhead

"Well worth the money"

Shop Silk Cot Fitted Sheets

Banish bald spots

"I'm super stoked"

Shop Silk Cot / Crib Sleeves

Heal friction burn

"Saved my wee boy’s hair and scalp!"

Shop Silk Cot Fitted Sheets

Baby's favourite bedding

"Bub loves it!"

Shop Silk Cot / Crib Sleeves

Full and even hair growth

"Wish I knew these existed"

Shop Silk Cot / Crib Sleeves

Protect hair from knots

"No more flat spots"

Shop Silk Cot Fitted Sheets

Soothe eczema sores

"Such a good investment!"

Shop Silk Cot / Crib Sleeves